Serving our customers’ needs efficiently and cost-effectively is a priority at Lucas Precision. Staffed with a team of factory-trained professionals, Lucas Precision is ready to answer any call from coast to coast or even around the globe.
As an importer of Fermat Boring Mills, Lucas completely supports all machines throughout the United States. In addition to many years of experience servicing Lucas Boring Mills our field service technicians are factory trained by Fermat in the Czech Republic.
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm EST
Phone: 216.451.5588 Ext. 105
Fax: 216.451.5174
We not only service Lucas HBMs, but our other products as well. We have been servicing Natco Multi-Spindle Drills and Carlton Radial Arm Drills for a long time. In addition Lucas has been rebuilding these machine tools and their subassemblies for well over a decade. Look to the professionals at Lucas Precision for on-site installation service, mechanical hook-ups, CNC retrofitting, troubleshooting, employee training and any other field service need. Lucas Precision also offers the same level of service for other machine tools as well. Put our decades of experience to work for you!
Machine Re-Alignment, Machine Laser Alignment, Ballbar Analysis and Machine Laser Calibration services will improve the performance of your machine tool, increase your product quality, and expand your bottom line. Let us help you make your equipment perform better!
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm EST
Phone: 216.451.5588 Ext. 105
Fax: 216.451.5174