Similar to our WFT 13 table-type HBM, but with a spindle diameter of 5.9 in | 150 mm. Ideal for even larger and heavier workpieces up to 44 093 lbs | 20 tons (optionally up to 88 185 lbs | 40 tons). Optional ram stroke 27.6 in | 700 mm, total extension along the axis W 59.1 in | 1 500 mm and optional spindle travel of 39.4 in | 1 meter. Extremely versatile series of table-type horizontal boring mills, fully compatible with a wide range of accessories and automatic milling heads. Version with linear guideways (WFT 15 L) and/or with ram (WFT 15 R).
Powerful and precise milling, coordinate drilling, boring, and threading.
Equipped with HEIDENHAIN, SIEMENS or FANUC control system.
*L = Linear Guideways
*R = Ram
Units |
WFT 15
WFT 15 R, L
Spindle Diameter | in |
mm |
Spindle Taper |
SK 50 / CAT 50 (DIN, MAS 45°, ANSI)/BIG+/HSK10)
Spindle Speed (max.) | rpm |
V150 - 3000 (opt. 3500)
Main Power Heidenhain or SIEMENS CNC (S1/S6) | hp |
54.9 / 82.5; 71.1 / 104.5
kW |
41/61.5; 53/77.9
Max. Torque Heidenhain or SIEMENS CNC (S1/S6) | Nm |
2 099/3 149; 2 713/3 989
Main Power FANUC CNC (S1/S3) | hp |
49.6/ 60.3; 71.1/104.5
kW |
37/45; 53/77.9
Max. Torque FANUC (S1/S3) | Nm |
2 210/2 687; 2 713/3 989
X-Axis Cross Travel of Table | in |
78.7 / 118.1 / 157.5 / 196.9 (opt. for T25-50: 240.2 / 248)
mm |
2 000 / 3 000 / 4 000 / 5 000 / (opt. for T25-50: 6 100 / 6 300)
Y-Axis Vertical Travel of Headstock | in |
78.7 / 98.4 / 118 / 137.8
mm |
2 000 / 2 500 / 3 000 / 3 500
Z-Axis Longitudinal Travel of Column | in |
59.1 / 78.7 / 98.4 / 118
mm |
1 500 / 2 000 / 2 500 / 3 000
W-Axis Spindle Travel | in |
mm |
Ram Stroke in V-axis (opt.) | in |
mm |
Rapid Feed X, Y | in/min |
472.4, , 472.4 (box GW); 787.4, 590.6 (Lin. GW Standard); 787.4, 984.3 (Lin GW Exclusive)
mm/min |
12 000,12 000 (box GW); 20 000, 15 000 (Lin. GW Standard); 20 000, 25 000 (Lin GW Exclusive)
Rapid Feed Z, W | in/min |
334.6, 393.7 (Lin GW Exclusive); 787.4, 393.7 (Lin. GW Standard); 984.3, 393.7 (Lin GW Exclusive)
mm/min |
8 500, 10 000 (Lin GW Exclusive); 20 000, 10 000 (Lin. GW Standard); 25 000, 10 000 (Lin GW Exclusive)
Rapid Feed V | in/min |
mm/min |
10 000 | |
Rapid Feed B | rpm |
2 (opt. 5)
Max. Table Load | lbs |
44 093 (opt. 22 046, 55 116, 110 231)
kg |
20 000 (opt. 10 000, 25 000, 50 000)
Table Size T20 | in |
63 x 70.9 / 70.9 x 86.6 / 70.9 x 102.4 / 78.7 x 94.5 / 98.4 x 98.4 / 78.7 x 118.1
mm |
1 600 x 1 800 / 1 800 x 2 200 / 1 800 x 2 600 / 2 000 x 2 400 / 2 500 x 2 500 / 2 000 x 3 000
Table Size T25-50 | in |
78.7 x 78.7 / 78.7 x 98.4 / 78.7 x 118.1 / 98.4 x 98.4 / 98.4 x 118.1 / 98.4 x 137.8 / 118.1. x 118.1 / 118.1 x 137.8 / 137.8 x 137.8 / 98.4 x 196.9
mm |
2 000 x 2 000 / 2 000 x 2 500 / 2 000 x 3 000 / 2 500 x 2 500 / 2 500 x 3 000 / 2 500 x 3 500 / 3 000 x 3 000 / 3 000 x 3 500 / 3 500 x 3 500 / 2 500 x 5 000
Table Size T10 | in |
47.2 x 47.2 / 47.2 x 55.1 / 55.1 x 63 / 63 x 63 / 55.1 x 70.9 / 63 x 70.9
mm |
1 200 x 1 200 / 1 200 x 1 400 / 1 400 x 1 600 / 1 600 x 1 600 / 1 400 x 1 800 / 1 600 x 1 800