The test programs available here may be downloaded and used to 'test cycle' your DynaPath (or Autocon) equipped Lucas Boring Mill.
ALL of the programs WILL require modifications before being used on YOUR machine.
Programs that move axes will need to be 'trimmed' for travel lengths suitable to your machine. The programs are written for the maximum travel lengths on the largest machine we ever made.
Certain of these programs MUST be run in 'single-block' mode of operation. Running a program intended for 'single-block' operation in 'full-automatic' WILL likely damage the machine.
Several 'versions' of the NAS979 Composite Cutting Test have been provided. Several of the versions are NOT suitable for actually cutting a test part (they have slower than normal speeds and/or feeds). They are provided to allow the machine to be cycled for training purposes prior to actually cutting metal without the presence of high spindle RPMs and high feedrates. Each of the programs is clearly identified in 'operator notes' near the beginning of the program. Be CERTAIN to use the correct program for the actual cutting operations. These programs also are helpful for instructional purposes regarding general Part Programming. ALL of the NAS979 programs will need to be edited for Speeds and Feeds commensurate with YOUR machine, tooling and test part. The 'suite' of NAS979 test programs includes: NAS979A Which is intended for actual part cutting in normal operation (150IPM Rapid); NAS979B Which operates with reduced rapid traverse feedrate moves (100IPM); NAS979C Which runs at only 11 RPM and 100IPM for Rapid Traverse.
The 'stepper' programs are to simplify the repetitive short axis moves typically employed during laser DME calibration of axis move lengths.
The 'Shifting Test' programs are used to cycle the Speed Range shifter mechanisms of the machine in defined patterns that allow for easier problem determination and shifter mechanism adjustment.
The 'Function Test' programs are used to test various Canned Cycles and other basic functions of the control system.
The 'Spindle Orientation' tests are only for machines equipped with that optional feature.
The 'Axis Exercise' programs are intended to provide an easy means to repetitively cycle a pair of axes within their full travel limits for reliability testing.
Most programs contain extensive operator and programmer 'comments' within the code describing what each section of program code is expected to accomplish.
Most programs that test functional operation are equipped with 'block delete' codes to allow bypassing of program sections that do not apply to a particular machine due to unavailability of the option.
Most of the programs are written in EIA. Some program sections use DynaPath Conversational Programming. Refer to DynaPath literature for a better understanding of these sections.
All of the programs may be edited with a simple 'Text' editor such as 'notepad'.
All of the programs will need to be 're-named' to permit loading into the CNC controller.
It is STRONGLY suggested that you review ALL of the program code before running any program. Lucas Precision is NOT RESPONSIBLE for machine or control damage or personnel injury occurring as a result of using these programs.